Faizabad Hills Tea Resort
BOOK NOW: +88 01713177766
Important information
Consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited inside the garden premises.
The guests are advised to abstain themselves from any unsocial activity during the stay inside the garden area.
The guests should show proper respect to the garden officials, workers and their family members, they are part of the team who are actually working hard so that you enjoy your time here!
The guests should be very respectful toward the natural environment and should refrain from performing any activity harming or violating the environment- air, water, sound, and surroundings (e.g. making loud noises, throwing wastes in the open, harming plantation and wildlife etc.).
The guests should not engage themselves in any activity that might disrupt the commercial activities of the garden authority (e.g. blocking road, destruction or damage of any company property including the bungalow etc.). Compensation has to be made for physical damage to any garden property.
The bungalow authority has the right to cancel any current guest’s allotment and deny the right to stay any further for violating any of the above rules and disregard any booking request from that particular guest/group for further unlimited period.